Safety & Health

Company History


We have a culture of safety, and we operate in a manner that protects our people, customers, planet, company, and good name. We use proven best practices to ensure we are operating responsibly and mitigating impacts.

The health and safety of our associates is paramount. We strive each and every day to have the safest operations in the world, with a goal of zero injuries. Our focus is on promoting a culture of safety, with every Goodyear associate at every level of the organization having a personal responsibility for safety.

Goodyear’s EHS Policy underscores the principles that guide us toward continuous EHS improvements. In 2019, we implemented our enhanced EHS Management System aligned to ISO 45001 across all customer-facing operations, including retail and field service support businesses. Additionally, 21 facilities are ISO 45001-certified, along with the 53 Goodyear facilities that are certified to ISO 14001.

We continuously assess associate feedback to help ensure we are creating and promoting a culture of safety. We apply this feedback in a variety of ways, including training our leaders in Just Culture, which helps them to develop skills for positively influencing culture. Our leaders learn to use consistent language that is supported by internal communications, such as posters, videos and digital signs. The training also teaches leaders how to identify risk, provide follow-up and share accountability across all levels.

We have also used technology to provide new insight through mobile device applications for injury prevention, audit and analysis tools in our Retail and Commercial Tire & Service Center operations. Education and training are key to promoting our culture of safety. In 2023, more than 181,000 hours of EHS training were provided to our associates. Additionally, formal health and safety committees represent 100 percent of our manufacturing associates. We also engage with external experts and stakeholders to inform our strategies and education. This includes working with regional trade associations, direct communication with our customers and collaborating with other manufacturers and organizations on safety best practice sharing.


Goodyear measures our safety progress through both leading and lagging indicators. Leading indicators include corrective actions completion; ergonomic risk reduction; industrial hygiene improvements; EHS management system maturity; associate engagement; Corrective Action/Preventative Action (CAPA) related to audits, inspections and near-miss incidents; and near-miss incident reporting. We also measure Serious Injury (SI) and SI Potential; Total Incident Rate (TIR), injuries that require medical treatment above first aid and restricted/lost-time injuries; contractor injuries; and first-aid injuries.

All incidents, including injuries, illnesses, near misses and property damage, are investigated. Causes are then identified, and corrections developed and implemented. These are captured in our EHS Data Management System for internal escalation, sharing of lessons learned, analysis and data reporting.

We reduced our SIs by 47 percent from 2022 to 2023 and improved our TIR to 1.87 from 2.05 over the same time period. Unfortunately, though, we experienced 20 serious injuries, which we define as injuries that are permanently life altering or life threatening. We remain committed to take actions needed to further our goal of eliminating all serious injuries and fatalities in our workplace throughout our global footprint. Our only goal for serious injuries is zero.