Commitments / Acting with Integrity
Integrity is foundational to everything we do at Goodyear. We do the right thing and we Protect Our Good Name. Goodyear's Business Conduct Manual guides our efforts to always Act with Integrity.
We conduct online training courses three times per year for salaried associates covering key compliance policies and subjects, including anti-bribery, competition law, workplace respect, privacy, fraud and conflicts of interest, human rights and international trade controls. Salaried associates also complete an annual Business Conduct Manual certification and disclosure process.
Hundreds of compliance and ethics training sessions are delivered to thousands of associates every year, including during focused Compliance Weeks held across the globe covering key compliance topics as well as specific risks faced by certain locations, business units or functions. We also conduct quarterly ethics awareness campaigns at company-owned retail, wholesale and commercial tire service centers to provide training on compliance and ethics policies and requirements.
Each year, we conduct compliance and ethics training on relevant compliance topics for specific groups of associates, including people managers and associates in certain functions.
"Goodyear’s commitment to Act with Integrity ensures that we build trust and earn confidence through honesty and respect—every day and everywhere we do business."
Erin Lewis
Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer
First used in 1915, “Protect Our Good Name” is a reminder that our reputation and character are in the hands of every Goodyear associate.
Goodyear's Integrity Hotline
Available 24 hours a day, every day of the year, Goodyear’s hotline reporting and investigation case management system allows associates, customers and suppliers to ask questions and report concerns (with an anonymous reporting option).
Associates are also encouraged to raise concerns to their managers, their HR representatives, Legal, Compliance & Ethics (C&E) or Internal Audit.
Every report is reviewed by C&E, and the company conducts investigations in response to allegations of misconduct. Our process helps Goodyear identify and understand the facts, assess the situation and resolve issues while addressing any risks or misconduct.
Our privacy policies and procedures ensure that we comply with regulations and best practices, and we continually evolve our training programs and other efforts to protect the personal data of our associates, customers, suppliers and others with whom we do business.
Goodyear continually monitors for, assesses and manages potential compliance and ethics risks, including by preparing for the adoption of new technologies or regulations and responding to changing legal and compliance landscapes.
As a global, socially responsible corporate citizen, Goodyear conducts business in a manner that reflects the highest legal and ethical standards.
Goodyear’s core compliance and ethics policies reflect our commitment to live up to these high standards by always acting with integrity, honesty and respect.
Prohibits the offering, giving or receiving of bribes, and requires accurate record-keeping and sufficient internal controls.
Our main guide to Goodyear’s core policies that helps associates understand what it means to Act with Integrity and follow our legal and ethical standards.
Reflects our commitment to respect and protect fundamental human rights, in compliance with the law and internationally recognized standards.
Expectations for suppliers to comply with all applicable laws and to adhere to high standards of integrity.
The general privacy principles that Goodyear follows with respect to Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
Outlines the obligation to report potential or suspected violations of law or policy and explains our Speak Up channels, investigation process and non-retaliation policy.